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Integration of Sales through POS Systems
Integration of Sales through POS Systems

Technical Specifications for Importing POS Sales into tspoonlab

Rafel Tugues avatar
Escrito por Rafel Tugues
Actualizado hace más de un año

Integration of POS Sales to tspoonlab

tspoonlab does not have a POS module. However, it can integrate sales from these systems for two main purposes.

  1. Inventory Control. Through the sales received from the POS, we deduct the theoretical consumption of each ingredient or recipe based on their breakdowns. This allows us to maintain a theoretical stock that we will later compare with the inventories. We define warehouse deviations as the difference between the theoretical and the actual stock. These deviations are key to improving management.

  2. Menu Engineering. The quantities sold of each product and the amounts of these sales, combined with the breakdowns we already have in tspoonlab, allow us to perform an analysis that helps us identify our best dishes and which ones need to be corrected.

Generation of CSV Files

Some POS systems generate CSV files at the cash register closure. Other centralized systems generate these files on the restaurant server. This file can have any format since it can later be transformed/processed in tspoonlab to import the information. Nevertheless, we will define an example format with the information needed for a typical import.

  1. The field separator of the csv file must be a semicolon ;

  2. Alphanumeric descriptions in the file should never contain ; to avoid being mistaken for a separator.

  3. No field delimiter is used, such as the double quote "

The fields in the file can appear in any order, but it will be necessary for the first line to be the header.

Recommended fields are:

  1. Sale Date (The date in DD/MM/YYYY format)

  2. Sale Time (HH:MM:SS)

  3. Item Code (Without ;)

  4. Item Description (Without ;)

  5. Quantity Sold (If it includes decimals, use , as the separator)

  6. Unit Price of the Item (Excluding VAT) (, as the decimal separator)

  7. Sale Amount (Excluding VAT) (, as the decimal separator)

  8. Sale Discount (Excluding VAT) (, as the decimal separator)

  9. VAT Type (In %)

  10. Parent Item Code (In case it is a modifier)

Example of a file

Let's suppose a sale of a beef steak with potatoes and a hamburger with extra cheese

The fields shown in this example are date, time, code, description, quantity, price, amount excluding VAT, discount excluding VAT, VAT type, parent code

03/07/2020;14:30:00;FT001;BEEF STEAK;1;19,90;19,90;0;10;
03/07/2020;14:30:00;PAT001;POTATO SIDE DISH;1;0;0;0;10;FT001
03/07/2020;15:00:00;EQ001;EXTRA CHEESE;1;0;0;0;10;HA001

In the sale of the hamburger, we have a discount of €1.90.

Modifiers have a last field indicating the parent product code.

File Name

The file name must be unique, for example by including the date and time in the name. A sale should never be sent twice.

Sending the CSV File to tspoonlab

The CSV file should be sent to an SFTP server. To obtain integration credentials, please contact us.

Additional Information

If you are interested in seeing how the mapping of products from the POS to tspoonlab works, consult the online documentation.

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